Unchained Dexxer Bot V2.0 by Jaseowns

########## Unchained Dexxer Bot V2.0 by KikRox268########## ############### Contributions: JaseOwns ################### //targets closest enemy, buffs you w/ pots if needed, cures poison and uses heal pots when needed, applied bandages once taken damage// ################################################### ########## Setup Variables ########## ################################################### @setvar! displayOverheadPotions 0 @setvar! cdHealing 10000 if not timerexists healingTimer settimer 'healingTimer' cdHealing endif clearsysmsg while not dead ############################################## ########## Bandage Loop by JaseOwns ########## ############################################## if skill "Healing" > 0 @setvar! cdAids 15000 if dex >= 100 @setvar! cdAids 7000 endif if not timerexists aidsTimer createtimer aidsTimer settimer aidsTimer cdAids endif if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack // ready to bandage if needed if timer aidsTimer >= cdAids if hp < maxhp or poisoned hotkey 'Bandage Self' wait 200 if insysmsg "You begin applying the bandages." settimer aidsTimer 0 endif endif endif // handle dex changes if timer aidsTimer <= cdAids if insysmsg "You apply the bandages, but they barely help." or insysmsg "You finish applying the bandages." settimer aidsTimer cdAids endif endif else overhead "No bandages" 34 endif wait 200 endif ################################################### ########## Targeting Script by KikRox268 ########## ################################################### hotkey 'Target Closest Non-Friendly' wait 200 if insysmsg "No one matching that was found on your screen." overhead "«« No Target Found »»" 69 wait 200 replay else setvar! myTarget lasttarget overhead "««« Target »»»" 69 endif attack lasttarget ################################################## ########## Potion Use Loop by KikRox268 ########## ################################################## if timer healingTimer >= cdHealing and findtype "yellow potion" backpack and hp <= 45 if findbuff "heat of battle" hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait 500 potion 'heal' settimer 'healingTimer' 0 cooldown 'Healing' 10 0 'ArchProtection' overhead "Heal Pot Used!" 88 wait 500 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' else potion 'heal' settimer 'healingTimer' 0 cooldown 'Healing' 10 0 'ArchProtection' overhead "Heal Pot Used!" 88 endif endif if not findtype "yellow potion" backpack and displayOverheadPotions = 1 overhead "No Heal Pots!" 45 endif if findtype "orange potion" backpack and poisoned if findbuff "heat of battle" hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait 500 potion 'cure' overhead "Cure Pot Used!" 88 wait 500 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' else potion 'cure' overhead "Cure Pot Used!" 88 endif endif if not findtype "orange potion" backpack and displayOverheadPotions = 1 overhead "No Cure Pots!" 45 endif if findtype "white potion" backpack and not findbuff 'Strength' if findbuff "heat of battle" hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait 500 potion 'str' overhead "Str Pot Used!" 88 wait 500 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' else potion 'str' overhead "Str Pot Used!" 88 endif endif if not findtype "white potion" backpack and displayOverheadPotions = 1 overhead "No Str Pots!" 45 endif if findtype "blue potion" backpack and not findbuff 'Agility' if findbuff "heat of battle" hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait 500 potion 'agility' overhead "Agi Pot Used!" 88 wait 500 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' else potion 'agility' overhead "Agi Pot Used!" 88 endif endif if not findtype "blue potion" backpack and displayOverheadPotions = 1 overhead "No Agi Pots!" 45 endif if findtype "red potion" backpack and diffstam > 20 if findbuff "heat of battle" hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' wait 500 potion 'refresh' overhead "Refresh Pot Used!" 88 wait 500 hotkey 'Arm/Disarm Left Hand' else potion 'refresh' overhead "Refresh Pot Used!" 88 endif endif if not findtype "red potion" backpack and displayOverheadPotions = 1 overhead "No Stm Pots!" 45 endif endwhile while dead overhead "We dead bro" 34 wait 1000 endwhile

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