Ultimate Skinning (B) by Jaseowns

# Ultimate Skinning by Jaseowns # UO Unchained clearignore if findtype "corpse" true if findtype "skinning knife" backpack as knife while findtype "corpse" true as jorpse dclick knife wft 200 target jorpse while findtype "cut up leather" backpack as cutleatherbackpack ignore cutleatherbackpack wait 200 endwhile if findtype "cut up leather" as cutleather hotkey "Grab item" waitfortarget 500 target cutleather wait 650 endif ignore jorpse wait 650 endwhile if skill "magery" > 50 and findtype "spellbook" backpack as item hotkey "Undress right hand" wait 500 lift item 1 drop self FirstValid wait 650 endif else while findtype "corpse" true as jorpse while findtype "pil%es/e% of hides" backpack as pilehidesbackpack ignore pilehidesbackpack wait 200 endwhile if findtype "dagger" backpack as item dclick item wft 200 target jorpse endif if findtype "scissors" backpack as jcissors while findtype "cut up leather" backpack as cutleatherbackpack ignore cutleatherbackpack wait 200 endwhile while findtype "pil%es/e% of hides" as pilehidescorpses dclick jcissors wft 200 target pilehidescorpses wait 650 endwhile if findtype "cut up leather" as cutleather hotkey "Grab item" waitfortarget 500 target cutleather wait 650 endif endif if findtype "pil%es/e% of hides" as pilehidescorpse hotkey "Grab item" wft 500 target pilehidescorpse wait 650 endif ignore jorpse wait 200 endwhile endif clearignore endif if findtype "scissors" backpack as jcissors while findtype "pil%es/e% of hides" backpack as item dclick jcissors wft 200 target item wait 650 endwhile endif

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